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Consular services and visa

The consular services provided are based on the following principles: equality of treatment, impartiality, efficiency and transparency.
Consulates guarantee assistance to all Italian nationals in case of violation of their fundamental rights and of limitation or loss of their personal freedom. Moreover, they help them in cases of emergency, in their search for family members, for inheritance matters abroad and for the repatriation of human remains to Italy.
For a costantly updated list of all consular services released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Network of embassies and consulates (with legal references and list of paperworks to produce for each request), please click here.

This Embassy has lists of professionals who have made themselves known as working in the Abu Dhabi constituency. The lists are therefore not exhaustive of all the professionals operating locally and are open lists, i.e. they may include new names in the future (to request inclusion, contact the Consular Office by sending an email to


Consular Register

Consular fees

Informativa sulla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali ai fini dell’erogazione dei servizi consolari

    (ad esclusione del rilascio dei visti e delle pratiche di cittadinanza). Regolamento Generale sulla protezione dei Dati (UE) 2016/679, art. 13

Informativa sulla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali ai fini del riconoscimento della cittadinanza italiana iure sanguinis o della sua acquisizione per naturalizzazione

    (artt. 5 e 7, nonché art. 9, comma 1, lettera c, e comma 2 della legge n. 91/1992). Regolamento Generale sulla protezione dei Dati (UE) 2016/679, art. 13